桃花岛主 发表于 2012-6-17 15:40:53

回复 39# stone0371


stone0371 发表于 2012-6-17 22:09:36

回复 49# 桃花岛主


stone0371 发表于 2012-6-17 22:12:09

回复 50# 桃花岛主


stone0371 发表于 2012-6-17 22:18:11

回复 48# 桃花岛主


courage 发表于 2012-6-19 09:32:51


stone0371 发表于 2012-6-19 20:01:02

5.2.3 Appliances having auxiliary apparatus connected at the end of a lead other than the mains lead


NOTE 1 Regulating controls incorporating semiconductor devices are excluded from this subclause, as these are covered in 5.2.4.


NOTE 2 When the auxiliary apparatus is not essential to the operation of the appliance and has a separate test procedure specified elsewhere in this standard (e.g. power nozzle of a vacuum cleaner) this subclause does not apply. The main appliance is tested as an individual appliance.


stone0371 发表于 2012-6-19 20:06:55

Connecting leads exceeding 1 m in length are arranged in accordance with

Measurements need not to be made when the connecting lead between the appliance and the auxiliary apparatus is permanently fixed at both ends, and is either shorter than 2 m, or if it has a shielding whose ends are connected to the metal housing of the appliance and that of the auxiliary apparatus.


stone0371 发表于 2012-6-19 20:16:30

The measurement of the terminal voltage on non-rewirable leads longer than 2 m and shorter than 10 m shall be started at a frequency according to the following formula:

                                                      fstart = 60 / L

fstart is the start frequency for the measurement of the terminal voltage, in megahertz;

L is the length of the connecting lead between the appliance and the auxiliary apparatus, in metres.

NOTE This calculation is based on the requirement that the length of the auxiliary lead shall not exceed one-fifth
of the wave length, corresponding to the start frequency of the measurement.

stone0371 发表于 2012-6-19 20:19:06 Measuring arrangement

The equipment under test shall be arranged in accordance with 5.2.2 with the following additional requirements:


stone0371 发表于 2012-6-19 20:31:31

a) The auxiliary apparatus shall be placed at the same height and distance from the earthed conducting surface as the main appliance, and if the auxiliary lead is long enough, at a distance of 0,8 m from the main appliance, shall be observed.
If the auxiliary lead is shorter than 0,8 m, the auxiliary apparatus shall be placed at the longest possible distance from the main apparatus.

If the auxiliary lead is longer than 0,8 m, the length of the auxiliary lead in excess of 0,8 m shall be folded parallel to itself so as to form a horizontal bundle with a length between 0,3 m and 0,4 m.

The auxiliary lead is stretched in the opposite direction to the mains lead.

When the auxiliary apparatus contains controls, the arrangements for its operation must not unduly affect the level of disturbance;

b) If an appliance having an auxiliary apparatus is earthed, no artificial hand shall be connected. If the appliance itself is made to be held in the hand, the artificial hand shall be connected to the appliance and not to any auxiliary apparatus;

c) If the appliance is not made to be held in the hand, the auxiliary apparatus which is not earthed and is made to be held in the hand shall be connected to the artificial hand; if the auxiliary apparatus is not made to be held in the hand either, it shall be placed above an earthed conducting surface as described in
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