1.1:This standard applies to the conduction and radiation of radio-frequency disturbances
from appliances whose main functions are performed by motors, switching or regulating
devices, or by r.f. generators used in induction cooking appliances。
感应加热器具的射频发生器,这一类器具是A2版本中新加入的,是从EN55011(CISPR 11)中移过来的,在EN 55011的标准没有更新前,没有去掉感应加热器具的测试限值之前,EN 55014和EN 55011 同时有效。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-2 16:14
It includes such equipment as: household electrical appliances, electric tools, regulating
controls using semiconductor devices, motor-driven electro-medical apparatus, electric/
electronic toys, automatic dispensing machines as well as cine or slide projectors.Both
powered appliances and battery powered appliances are included.
电吹风、电夹板(直发器)、卷发棒、吸尘器、碎纸机(EMC属于标准EN 55014,安规属于ITE设备,适用的标准是EN 60950)、暖风机、电风扇、挂烫机、花园潜水泵、热胶枪、电烙铁、吸塑枪、蒸汽烫刷、电熨斗、电锤、电锯、冲击钻等等。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-2 16:22
Also included in the scope of this standard are:
– separate parts of the above mentioned equipment such as motors, switching devices e.g.
(power or protective) relays, however no emission requirements apply unless formulated in
this standard.
Excluded from the scope of this standard are:
– apparatus for which all emission requirements in the radio frequency range are explicitly
formulated in other IEC or CISPR standards;
常见的包括在EN 55014-1中的单独部件,如果:电机、单独开关电源(adapter)等等。
在CISPR15/111/13/12/22,IEC6100-3-8等标准涉及到的产品,不包括在该标准中,也即该标准的限值不适用与上述标准中提到的产品。作者: 桃花岛主 时间: 2012-6-3 14:58
解读的很直白,很容易接受和掌握,读起来很轻松,学起来也没有什么压力,反倒感觉很快乐,收获很大;楼主确实对这块掌握的很深入。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-3 21:26
1.2 The frequency range covered is 9 kHz to 400 GHz.
当然了,不排除以后科学技术发展,以上各个测试项目的覆盖频段有所拓展。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-3 21:34
1.3 Multifunction equipment which is subjected simultaneously to different clauses of this
standard and/or other standards shall meet the provisions of each clause/standard with the
relevant functions in operation; details are given in 7.2.1.
比如说:一台LCD 电视机,既能接入卫星信号播放电视信号,同时又能够接到电脑上播放电脑中的影片,则该设备要同时满足四个标准的限值要求,分别是EN 55013,EN 55020,EN 55022,EN 55024,当然,在家电中,这种多功能的设备几乎还比较少。目前我还没有接触到要同时满足多个产品标准的产品。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-3 21:40
1.4 The limits in this standard have been determined on a probabilistic basis, to keep the
suppression of disturbances economically feasible while still achieving an adequate radio
protection. In exceptional cases radio frequency interference may occur, in spite of
compliance with the limits. In such a case, additional provisions may be required.
本条款其实可以理解为该标准的限值的有效性说明,即使产品测试合格,仍然可能出现射频干扰的问题。其实这个也不难理解,测试环境一般都是屏蔽室或者暗室,就是为了避免外界的干扰,在实际的使用环境中,电磁环境很复杂,有时候难免出现意想不到的事情发生。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-3 21:46
1.5 The effects of electromagnetic phenomena relating to the safety of apparatus are
excluded from the scope of this standard。
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
标准升级的测试费用吗?作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-4 18:06
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions contained in IEC 60050-161 apply extended
with the specific definitions as follows:
更全面的电子词汇的介绍在标准IEC 60050-161.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-4 18:11
3.1 Definitions of the following terms are specified in CISPR 16-2-1 or CISPR 16-2-2:
Reference ground: 参考地
Equipment under test (EUT):受试设备,既被测样品
注:EMS的基础标准是IEC61000-4系列。包括IEC61000-4-2/IEC61000-4-3/IEC61000-4-4/IEC61000-4-5/IEC61000-4-6/IEC61000-4-8/IEC61000-4-11/IEC61000-4-13等ESD/RS/FET/SURGE/CS等EMS测量设备和现场布置的相关标准。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-4 18:16
a disturbance, the amplitude of which exceeds the quasi-peak limit of continuous disturbance,the duration of which is not longer than 200 ms and which is separated from a subsequent disturbance by at least 200 ms. The durations are determined from the signal which exceeds the i.f. reference level of the measuring receiver A click may contain a number of impulses; in which case the relevant time is that from the beginning of the first to the end of the last impulse.
NOTE Under certain conditions, some kinds of disturbances are exempted from this definition (see 4.2.3)
注:在一定条件下,某些类型的骚扰不包括在此定义内(见4.2.3)。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-4 18:26
产生click的骚扰源,常见的是温控,一般是自复位的温控,这种元件在家用电器中比较常见,尤其是电热类产品。比如说电饭煲、电热扇或者油炸锅等产品。利用软件来设定温度的产品,本人认为也是应该测试click项目的。目前这种技术其实家电中用的还比较少,家电中最常用的是感温电路是热敏电阻。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-4 18:32
Click有三种类型和两种例外。具体的情形大家可以参考下附录中的图形。作者: 桃花岛主 时间: 2012-6-4 22:23 回复 10#stone0371
最严格的某个产品标准的证书已经拿到了?如果标准是客户指定的,客户可以接收的,这样是可以的,如果客户没有指定具体的标准,只是按照一般的情况下采用某种产品标准,这样是不能发证书的,是要同时测试多个标准的情况,我一般是这样操作的。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-5 16:59
3.3 i.f. reference level
the corresponding value on the intermediate frequency output of the measuring receiver of an
unmodulated sinusoidal signal which produces a quasi-peak indication equal to the limit for
continuous disturbance.
对于这个概念,我的理解不完全正确,因为这个和测量接收机的测量原理有着密切的关系。如果大家谁明白这个问题,请不吝赐教。非常期待大牛们出来释疑解惑。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-5 18:44
3.4 switching operation
one opening or one closing of a switch or contact
NOTE Independent of whether clicks are observed or not.
开关操作,这个概念对应的测试项目是喀呖声,开关关断的瞬间会产生脉冲尖峰,继电器的关断和接通也算是开关操作,这个概念相对比较好理解。不管是电子开关还是机械开关,接通关断的这个动作都可以算是开关操作。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-5 18:47
3.5 minimum observation time T
the minimum time necessary when counting clicks (or where relevant counting switching
operations) to provide sufficiently firm evidence for the statistical interpretation of the number
of clicks (or switching operations) per time unit (see also
最小观察时间:这个时间针对的测试对象也是喀呖声(click)。针对click的观察时间一般是产生40个click或者120min时间,两者中去最早发生的那个时间。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-5 18:49
3.6 click rate N
in general the number of clicks or switching operations within one minute; this Figure is being
used to determine the click limit (see also
喀呖声率,这个定义是个比值,即在最小观察时间内产生的click数目和最小观察时间的比值,这个比值是用来计算click的实际值,以便用来和click的限值来比较。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-5 18:52
3.7 click limit Lq
the relevant limit L for continuous disturbance, as given in 4.1.1 for the measurement with the
quasi-peak detector, increased by a certain value determined from the click rate N (see
The click limit applies to the disturbance assessed according to the upper quartile method.
click的限值。这个定义是介绍click限值的计算方法的,click的限值计算是在连续限值的基础上,加上一个由click率决定的一个常数,采用的方法是上四分位法,具体的计算方法将在后续的click计算中详细讲解。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-5 18:55
3.8 upper quartile method
a quarter of the number of the clicks registered during the observation time T is allowed to
exceed the click limit Lq
In the case of switching operations a quarter of the number of the switching operations
registered during the observation time is allowed to produce clicks exceeding the click limit Lq
(see also
上四分位法:简单的理解就是决定click的限值后,在最小观察时间内,假设观察到click的数目为N,则允许有不超过N/4的数目的click超过该限值。在这种情况下认为click的测试项目是合格的。如果超过了N/4,则认为该测试项目失败。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-5 20:54 回复 24#桃花岛主
岛主,我的帖子是不是有数量限制呢,我为什么发了13个,不能再发了哈。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:38
3.9 toy
product designed for, or clearly intended for use in play by children under 14 years old.
Toys may incorporate motors, heating elements, electronic circuits and their combination.
The supply voltage of a toy shall not exceed 24 V a.c. (r.m.s) or ripple-free d.c. and may be
provided by a battery or by means of an adapter or a safety transformer connected to the
mains supply
NOTE Transformers, converters and chargers for toys are considered not to be part of the toy (see IEC 61558-2-7).
据说欧美对玩具的认证也是挺严格的。由于没有接触过玩具其他方面的认证,不是很了解,如果有朋友做的相关工作,希望能够给我扫扫盲。在此先谢了。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:38
battery toy
toy which contains or uses one or more batteries as the only source of electrical energy
transformer toy
toy which is connected to the supply mains through a transformer for toys and using the
supply mains as the only source of electrical energy
dual supply toy
toy which can be operated simultaneously or alternatively as a battery toy and a transformer toy作者: tllok123 时间: 2012-7-21 10:26
stone哥 作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-7-21 10:57 回复 44#tllok123