标题: EN 55014-1 标准解读2 [打印本页] 作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:43 标题: EN 55014-1 标准解读2 3.9 toy
product designed for, or clearly intended for use in play by children under 14 years old.
Toys may incorporate motors, heating elements, electronic circuits and their combination.
The supply voltage of a toy shall not exceed 24 V a.c. (r.m.s) or ripple-free d.c. and may be
provided by a battery or by means of an adapter or a safety transformer connected to the
mains supply
NOTE Transformers, converters and chargers for toys are considered not to be part of the toy (see IEC 61558-2-7).
battery toy:电池类玩具
toy which contains or uses one or more batteries as the only source of electrical energy
transformer toy:变压器类玩具
toy which is connected to the supply mains through a transformer for toys and using the
supply mains as the only source of electrical energy
dual supply toy:双电源玩具
toy which can be operated simultaneously or alternatively as a battery toy and a transformer toy
这几个定义是根据玩具的供电方式来划分类别的,其实标准中的分类有很重要的意义,一般在测试条款中,会详细说明某种产品要测试那些项目,因此对标准的产品分类一定要有准确的认识。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:45
3.13 battery box:电池盒
compartment which is separate from the toy or appliance and in which the batteries are
电池盒的定义是指那些和玩具用导线连接的,外置的供电装置。在这里内置的电池盒不在该定义里面。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:49
3.14 safety isolating transformer:安全隔离变压器
transformer, the input winding of which is electrically separated from the output winding by an
insulation at least equivalent to double insulation or reinforced insulation, and which is
designed to supply an appliance or circuit at safety extra-low voltage。
这里面有三个定义:双重绝缘、加强绝缘和安全特地电压。这几个定义安规工程师很熟悉的,在IEC 60335-1或者是GB4706.1中有详细的解释。有兴趣的朋友可以查阅下相关标准。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:51
3.15 safety transformer for toys:玩具用安全变压器
safety isolating transformer specially designed to supply toys operating at safety extra-low
voltage not exceeding 24 V
NOTE Either a.c. or d.c. or both may be delivered from the transformer unit.
该条款比较简单,就是说出了对玩具用的变压器的要求,不多做解释。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:55
3.16 constructional kit:装配用配套元件
collection of electric, electronic or mechanical parts intended to be assembled as various toys
3.17 experimental kit:试验用配套元件
collection of electric or electronic components intended to be assembled in various
NOTE The main aim of an experimental set is to facilitate the acquiring of knowledge by experiment and research.
It is not intended to create a toy or equipment for practical use.
3.18 functional toy:功能性玩具
toy with a rated voltage not exceeding 24 V and which is a model of an appliance or
installation used by adults
NOTE A product with a rated voltage exceeding 24 V, intended to be used by children under the direct supervision of an adult and which is a model of an appliance or installation and used in the same way, is known as a functional product.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 18:56
标准有时候感觉很奇怪,出现一些根本用不到的定义,不知道意义何在。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 19:00
3.19 portable luminaire for children
luminaire that in normal use can be moved from one place to another while connected to the
supply and which is designed to provide a level of safety in excess of that provided by a
portable general purpose luminaire conforming with IEC 60598-2-4
NOTE A portable luminaire for children is intended for use by children who may not be under the supervision of more competent persons at the time of use.[IEC 60598-2-10: 10.3.1]
3.20 video toy
toy consisting of a screen and activating means by which the child can play and interact with
the picture shown on the screen
NOTE All parts necessary for the operation of the video toy, such as control box, joy stick, keyboard, monitor and connections, are considered to be part of the toy.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 19:01
上面的两个定义大家了解即可,见到真实的产品的时候,也是很好区分的。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 19:04
3.21 electronic circuit:
circuit incorporating at least one electronic component.
电子线路:至少包含一个电子元件的电路。定义非常简单,不多做解释。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 19:15
3.22 electronic component
part in which conduction is achieved principally by electrons moving through a vacuum, gas or
NOTE Electronic components do not include resistors, capacitors and inductors.
至于从微观的角度该怎么理解,我现在也没有参悟透,请高手出来指点指点吧。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 19:20
3.23 normal operation of toys:玩具的正常操作
condition under which the toy, connected to the recommended power supply, is played with as
intended or in a foreseeable way, bearing in mind the normal behaviour of children.
在EMC的测试中,我们经常强调的是产品的典型工作状态。该定义出现的意义,我想也是对测试玩具时,玩具正常状态的一个界定吧,应该没有其他更深刻的意义。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 19:23
3.24 clock frequency:时钟频率
the fundamental frequency of any signal used in the device excluding those which are solely used inside integrated circuits (IC)
NOTE High frequencies are often generated inside of integrated circuits (IC) by phase-locked-loop (PLL) circuits from lower clock oscillator frequencies outside the IC.
我相信对于接触过电路的人,也很容易理解时钟频率的定义。在此不多赘述。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-6 19:26
3.25 battery-operated appliance:电池供电器具
appliance which is operated only from batteries and has no provision for performing its
intended function when connected to the mains, either directly or via a power supply
NOTE 1 Toys are not considered to be appliances.
NOTE 2 An appliance which has provision for charging but cannot perform its intended function during charging is considered to be a battery-operated appliance.
3.26 mains-operated appliance:电源供电器具
all appliances which are not battery-operated appliances
NOTE Toys are not considered to be appliances.
那挺好的啊,要做好EMC整改,其实比对硬件工程师的要求更高,我现在的缺陷就在硬件设计只是和实战经验不够,希望化兄以后多多指点下电路设计的实战经验。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 11:00
Radio disturbance measurements below 148,5 kHz and above 1 000 MHz do not need to be
be carried out.The requirements for induction cooking appliances are given in Annex B.
该条款解释了该标准测试项目所涉及的频率范围,如果从应用的角度来说,这句话就是了解该标准以外的频率不测试即可。但是有一个问题是:为什么低于148.5kHz,或者高于1000MHz的射频骚扰不测试。这个问题,目前还没有明确的让我可以信服的答案。等稍后找到比较权威的解答后,在给大家分享下。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 15:24
4.1 Continuous disturbance:连续骚扰
Commutator motors, as well as other devices incorporated in household appliances, electric
tools and similar electrical apparatus may cause continuous disturbance.
Continuous disturbance may be either broadband, caused by switching devices such as
mechanical switches, commutators and semiconductor regulators, or may be narrowband,
caused by electronic control devices such as microprocessors.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 19:50
对于PCB产生的传导,这个和控制信号有关或者说是有用信号。我的理解是,一切干扰其实都是电流的变化造成的。如果控制信号上升沿或者下降沿到来的时候,肯定会产生一个电流的突变,则带来的是宽带的或者窄带的干扰。因此在家电中,传导的定位一般就是电机和PCB板子。(因为家电的电路结构真的很简单,如果大家拆下结构)作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 20:06
针对这一点,我认为这样理解还是比较合理的,不知道有没有更准确的理解方法,大家有什么意见可以拿来出来分享下,追求最准确的理解。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 20:16
4.1.1 Frequency range 148,5 kHz to 30 MHz (terminal voltages)
NOTE The World Administrative Radiocommunications Conference (WARC) has in 1979 reduced the lower
frequency limit in Region 1 to 148,5 kHz; for applications falling in the scope of this standard, tests at 150 kHz are
considered adequate, since 148,5 kHz falls within the receiver bandwidth.
The limits of the terminal disturbance voltages are given in Table 1. Terminal voltages are
measured, in accordance with Clause 5, on each terminal with respect to ground.
Terminals are defined as conductive parts, suitable for re-usable electrical connection to
external circuits.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 20:24
4.1.1 端子骚扰电压,覆盖频率是148.5k到30M,其实这个项目就是我们平时说的传导(CE=conducted emission)。
但是注意在家电中,我们经常说是从0.15M-30M。这个在note里面有解释,1979年,世界无线电行政大会把频率1区的频率下限跳到了148.5k,但是对于标准的测试,我们一般选择的步长是1/2带宽。根据CISPR中Band B的带宽要求,从0.15M-30M的带宽是9K,则步长是4.5K,因此如果以150K为中频点,则覆盖的有效测试频率范围为145.5K-154.5K。则148.5是落在有效带宽的范围内的,则认为从0.15M开始测试也是满足要求的。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 20:40
此外传导测试测试每根线对地的干扰,比如说L-PE或者是N-PE.一般很少涉及到三相电或者是两相电。一般都是直接接到市电上的单相电。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 20:43
这里先传上CE的限值表格,因为以后很多条款的解释都要用到。称为table 1.
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 20:48
根据table 1绘制出来的限值图像如下图:
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 20:50 The limits in columns 2 and 3 shall be met on the phase(s) and the neutral of the
mains terminals of all appliances except those of electric tools. On additional terminals of appliances as well as on load and additional terminals of
regulating controls incorporating semiconductor devices the relaxed limits given for "additional
terminals" in columns 4 and 5 apply.
Terminals which may be used as either mains terminals or load/additional terminals are
subject to the limits for mains terminals.
No terminal voltage limits apply for leads, which are not easily extensible by the user
(permanently connected, or provided with a specific connector), which are shorter than 2 m,
and which connect the equipment with an auxiliary apparatus or device, (e.g. semiconductor
speed controls, power plugs with AC-DC converters).
No terminal voltage limits apply to leads integrated in the suction hose of vacuum cleaners,
even if the length exceeds 2 m.
NOTE For the measurement at the load terminals and additional terminals of regulating controls incorporating semiconductor devices see 5.2.4, for additional terminals of other appliances see 5.2.3.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:13
针对4.1.1.1和4.1.1.2这两个条款,是说明市电供电的家用器具(不包括电动工具)的端子要满足的限值。端子包括三种:电源端子、负载端子或者控制端子。标准中用的additional terminal,其实主要指的就是控制端子(个人看法)。
table1 的第2列和第3列,对应的电源端子的限值。L和N线都要满足限值。第4列和第5列是对除电源线以外其他的additional terminal端子的限值。我们可以发现电源端子的限值要比additional terminal端子的限值要严格。
如果是单独的additional terminal,则有要求的长度满足>2m,小于2m的是不做测试要求的。
此处有个特列,就是吸尘器的动力吸管,即使长度大于2m,也没有测试要求,其实这个可以理解的,因为动力吸管没有电结构部分,它完全靠的是电机吸收空气产生的动力,这个测试是没有意义的,所以就没有限制要求,即使长度超过了2m。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:17 For the mains terminals of electric tools the particular limits given in columns 6 to 11
apply according to the rated power of the motor, the power of any heating device is to be
excluded (for instance heating power in a blower for plastic welding). For the load terminals
and additional terminals of electric tools, columns 4 and 5 apply without further relaxation.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:27
条款4.1.1.3和4.1.1.1和4.1.1.2是一样的,不过对象是electric tool(电动工具)。使用的限值是CE2中的限值。
在电动工具中,根据电机功率的大小对电源端子的限值分为三种情况,这个和家用电器是不同的。注意这里说的是电机功率,不是产品标称功率。一般有电机的产品其实功率都可以”虚标“的,也就是说实际功率,比标称的功率要小。这个是标准中允许的,安规标准中,关于电机的功率,只有上偏差限值,没有下偏差。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:39
关于table1最后的*号的说明,实际情况是这样的,在以前的测试中,准峰值和平均值的测量时分别由准峰值测量接收机和平均值测量接收机单独完成的,如果在使用准峰值测量接收机测量准峰值时,准峰值已经低于了平均值的限值,则可以省略掉平均值测量的步骤,因为根据数学关系,我们知道准峰值肯定比平均值大,则我们可以断定,平均值肯定低于平均值的限值。不过现在准峰值和平均值的测量集成在一台设备里面,这个条款已经没有什么意义了,我们了解它为什么出现的原因即可。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:40 Limits for electric fence energizers apply to
a) the fence terminals on all energizers (columns 4 and 5 of Table 1);
b) the mains terminals on energizers designed for connection to the mains (columns 2 and 3
of Table 1);
c) the battery terminals on energizers designed for operation from a battery (columns 4 and
5 of Table 1).
However, no limits apply to the battery terminals of energizers with built-in batteries which
cannot be connected to the mains supply, or energizers with external batteries if the
connecting lead between the energizer and the battery is shorter than 2 m and is not
applicable of being easily extended by the user without special tools.
Type D energizers, according to IEC 60335-2-76, are measured as battery operated
energizers with connecting leads between the energizer and the battery greater than 2 m in
NOTE In practice, the fence wire can also act as an active source of disturbances, due to the high-voltage discharges, in particular to radio and telecommunication networks. Manufacturers of electric fence energizers should instruct the users to eliminate discharge points such as touching vegetation or a broken fence wire.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:43描述的对象是电栅栏激发器,坦白的讲,这种产品我没有见过,也不了解产品的结构,根据网上搜索的信息说,这种产品是布置在围墙上的,如果有外来人强行进入,会报警。和监控的效果差不多吧。
我就了解这么多,由于没有接触过这种产品,不敢多说,如果有朋友了解这种产品,请出来指点下。谢谢了。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:45
如果从这个条款所处的标准的结构上讲,同样是描述某种产品的端子所适用的限值的,和家用电器、电动工具的分析方法是类似的。如果见到这种产品,根据端子的作用,确定相关的限值即可。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:50 For battery operated appliances (with built-in batteries, as well as with external
batteries) which can be connected to the mains the limits of columns 2 and 3 of Table 1 apply
to the mains terminals.
No radio disturbance limits apply to appliances with built-in batteries, which cannot be
connected to the mains supply.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:51
No radio disturbance limits apply to appliances with external batteries, if the connecting lead
between appliance and battery is shorter than 2 m. If the connecting lead is longer than 2 m
or easily extendable by the user without special tools, then the limits of columns 4 and 5 of
Table 1 apply to these leads.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-8 21:55
对于电池类产品,只要看能不能充电,电池外置还是内置来选择测试限值就可以了。这样很容易区分的。不多赘述。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-9 09:58
4.1.2 Frequency range 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz Disturbance power measurement in the frequency range 30 MHz to 300 MHz
The limits of the disturbance power are given in Table 2a. Disturbance power is measured in
accordance with Clause 6, at all terminals.
下面传上图表table 2a和table 2b。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-9 09:59
table 2a中描述的家用电器和电动工的骚扰功率的限值。同样的电动工具也是根据电机功率的大小分为三个区间。
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-9 10:06
table 2b这个图表讲述的是:如果骚扰功率在200M-300M的裕量满足了table2b的要求,则不需要测试RE。如果不满足,则需要测试RE,在家电中一般是很少测试RE,因为现在的家电的电路根本不可能产生300M以上的信号。在工程上,我们一般认为10次谐波以后的信号的幅值和限值相比已经可以忽略掉了。假设家电最高的时钟频率是8M。则80M以上的信号干扰和限值相比已经可以忽略掉了。
但是table 2b中的裕量是怎么来的,为什么会出现这种关系,这个我也不是很明白,有懂得朋友,请指点下。谢谢了。
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-9 10:22
table 2b中 note1的意义是table 2a和table2b放在一起用的,二者不能分割开来单独使用,其实在现在的测量脚本中,在200M-300M的限值位置会描绘出减去table2b中的裕量的曲线。这样在测试的时候就非常方便的看出来了是不是满足裕量的要求了。作者: Jennylow 时间: 2012-6-9 23:35
LZ太厉害哇,感受到你的用心。继续坚持啊!作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 13:42 Radiated disturbances measurement in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1000 MHz
The limits of radiated disturbances are given in Table 3. Radiated disturbances are measured
in accordance with the standards and testing methods given in Table 3.
One problem with 3m testing is that there is a fall-off projection problem that is usually seen below 200 MHz in vertical polarization. if tested at 3m, the maximum vertical field propagates along the ground plane (normal to the ground plane) due to the reflection. Since the antenna is scanned between 1 and 4m, some of the energy goes under the antenna.
At 10m the wavefront is more developed and with the same scan window, 1 to 4m more of the main lobe of the total field propagating on the ground plane is measured. the 3m data has to subtract 10 dB from the measured data to account for the 3 to 10m fall-off. But that is free-space assumption without the ground plane effect.
At 10m, more of the energy is measured and when compared to the projected fields done at 3m, up to 7 dB errors have been reported. the 3m data actually underpredicts the field at 10m. This has caused products that were thought to pass when tested at 3m to then fail at 10m facilities.
This is not much of a problem in horizontal and actually the opposite problem exists with 3m measuring more energy than will be seen at 10m. But the differences are much less. The other reason this is not a bigger problem at 3m, is that there is not much horizontal emission below 100 MHz since the horizontal fields on the ground plane are zero. the direct and reflected are 180 degrees out of phase on the ground plane and cancel. So emissions are measured up around 4m in height for horizontal plus products don't tend to efficiently radiate horizontal fields below 100 MHz.
我个人认为,在某一场地测试的数据,不同简单地通过加10或者减10进行相互换算,因为10dB这个数据是来自自由场(free-space )的模型。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:09 Application of the limits:(RE)限值的应用 General
This subclause describes application of the limits for all appliances (see Figure 10).
Regulating controls which incorporate semiconductor devices, electric fence energizers,
rectifiers, battery chargers and converters, which do not contain any clock frequency higher
than 9 kHz, are not subject to the requirements in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz.
其实在实际情况中:家电中很少有测试辐射的。一般情况下,骚扰功率中table2a和table2b的限值都是满足的。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:12 Mains operated appliances
The equipment under test shall be evaluated for emissions in the 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz range
by testing in accordance with either method a) or b), see also Figure 10.
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:15
a) The limits in columns 2 and 3 of Table 2a for the frequency range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz shall be met by all appliances except for electric tools. For electric tools the particular limits given in columns 4 to 9 of Table 2a apply according to the rated power of the motor, excluding the power of any heating device (for instance heating power in a blower for plastic welding).Appliances are deemed to comply in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 1 000 MHz if both of the following conditions (1) and 2)) are fulfilled:
1) all emission readings from the equipment under test shall be lower than the applicable limits (Table 2a) reduced by the margin (Table 2b);
2) the maximum clock frequency shall be less than 30 MHz.
If either of condition 1) or 2) is not fulfilled, radiated measurements in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 1 000 MHz shall be conducted and the limits of Table 3 for that range applied. In any case the limits of Table 2a in the frequency range 30 MHz to 300 MHz
shall be met.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:18
同时需要注意的是:如果两个条件不能同时满足,则需要测试RE。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:19
b) The limits in Table 3 shall be met. Any of the measurement methods mentioned in Table 3 can be selected by the manufacturer except that the TEM-waveguide shall be used only for battery powered appliances not intended to have external cables attached (see also Note c in Table 3).
The test report shall state which method was used and which limits were applied.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:22
该条款是讲RE测试方法的选择的。测试的流程请参照上面的图片RE flow chart。
需要谨记的是,TEM小室只用没有外部连接线的电池类器具。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:24 Battery operated appliances
For all battery operated appliances the limits in Table 3 apply for the frequency range from 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz (See also Figure 11). Any of the measurement methods mentioned in Table 3 can be selected by the manufacturer except that the TEM-waveguide shall be used only for battery powered appliances not intended to have external cables attached.
The test report shall state which method was used and which limits were applied. Battery operated appliances which do not contain active electronic circuits or motors shall not be measured. These appliances are considered to comply without testing.
NOTE Examples of active electronic circuits include circuits containing transistors, thyristors and relays. A LED connected to a battery via a manual switch is not an active electronic circuit if the current is limited only by a resistor or a transistor operating linearly, but it is an active switching circuit if the current is pulsed using a transistor.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:27条款讲述的是电池供电类器具的RE测试方法的选择,尤其注意的TEM只用于电池类器具的测试,但是电池类器具的RE并不是只用TEM小室测试,具体的测试方法的选择,请参照下面的流程图:
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:35
在note中,对有源电子电路(active electronic circuit)的解释是:包括晶闸管、闸流管和继电器等器件的电路,其实对有源的理解是,我个人的理解是需要电源(Vcc)驱动的器件。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 14:35
4.2 Discontinuous disturbance
Switching operations in thermostatically controlled appliances, automatic programme controlled machines and other electrically controlled or operated appliances generate discontinuous disturbance. The subjective effect of discontinuous disturbance varies with
repetition rate and amplitude in audio and video presentation. Therefore distinction is made between various kinds of discontinuous disturbance.
The discontinuous disturbance is only measured with a measuring receiver including a quasipeak detector as mentioned in 5.1.1 and specified in Clause 4 of CISPR 16-1-1.
See Annex C for guidance.作者: 桃花岛主 时间: 2012-6-10 14:37 回复 6#stone0371
click的定义是用幅值和频率来定义的一个测试项目,产生click的常见骚扰源是可复位温控器、自动程序控制器、可控硅等。其本质是电流的突然变化,起变化要满足click定义的幅值和时间的要求。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 15:57
Click测试只有四个频点 0.15M/0.5M/1.4M/30M。测试方法有两种,一种是用示波器,一种是用集成的断续骚扰分析仪。目前后者用的较多。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:32
4.2.1 The limits for discontinuous disturbance depend mainly on the character of the disturbance and on the click rate N as given in detail in 4.2.2 and 4.2.3.
No discontinuous disturbance limits apply in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz.
NOTE The level of disturbances below 30 MHz is interpreted as an indication for the level above 30 MHz.
note中指明30M以下的click骚扰,可以代表高于30M以上的骚扰情况。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:36
4.2.2 Frequency range 148,5 kHz to 30 MHz (terminal voltages) The limits of Table 1 apply also to discontinuous disturbances from all equipment which produce:
a) disturbances other than clicks, or
b) clicks with a click rate N equal to or greater than 30.
Appliances as described in 4.2.3 are exempted.
NOTE Examples of discontinuous disturbances for which the limits for continuous disturbance apply are shown in
Figures 4a and 4b.
关于用table1的限值来作为断续骚扰限值的例子,是在附录figure 4a和figure 4b中,见下图作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:37
figure 4a 和figure 4b
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:44 For discontinuous disturbance, the click limit Lq is attained by increasing the relevant limit L (as given in 4.1.1) with:
44 dB for N < 0,2, or
20 lg (30/N) dB for 0,2 ≤ N < 30
NOTE Examples of discontinuous disturbances which are classified as clicks are shown in Figures 3a, 3b and 3c.
See also Annex A, Table A.1 and Table A.2.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:48是click限值计算的主要方法,分为两种情况
其中在第二种情况下,要用到上四分法。下面给大家提供上四分法的例子,在EN 55014-1的附录中大家可以这个例子,有了这个例子,大家对上四分法理解应该深刻了很多。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:51
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:51
part 2
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:57 The click limit Lq applies for click rates N determined under operating conditions and interpretation of results as specified in Clause 7.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-10 16:58说的是click率N的计算方法,在标准第七章中,会针对具体的产品计算,会详细说明EUT的操作状态,会在后续章节详细说明。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 18:40
4.2.3 Exceptions from the click definition
Under certain conditions some kinds of discontinuous disturbances are exempted from the definition of a click (see 3.2).
This subclause contains these exceptions which are applicable in combination with subclauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 to all kinds of appliances. In Figure 9, a flow diagram shows how to take these conditions into account in the verification procedure.
Product specific relaxations are contained in Annex A, which contains also Table A.2, a list of appliances for which the switching operations are counted, to derive the click rate N.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 18:45
该条款的例外情况,是和前面的4.2.1和4.2.2放在一起考虑的。下图是测试click的流程图。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 18:46
Click 测试流程图
作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 18:48
在上图的流程图中,、、、描述了四种例外的情况,并将这四种情况融入到了测试流程的选择中,下面将具体描述下这四种情况。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 18:50 Individual switching operations
The disturbance from individual switching operations, caused directly or indirectly, manually or by similar activities on a switch or a control which is included in an appliance or otherwise to be used for:
a) the purpose of mains connection or disconnection only;
b) the purpose of programme selection only;
c) the control of energy or speed by switching between a limited number of fixed positions;
d) the changing of the manual setting of a continuously adjustable control such as a
variable speed device for water extraction or electronic thermostats, is to be disregarded for the purpose of testing the appliance for compliance with the limits of radio disturbance set out in this standard.
Examples of switches included in this subclause are the on/off switches for apparatus (including foot activated), for instance the switch for an electric typewriter, manual switches for heat and air flow control in fan heaters and hair dryers, as well as the indirectly operated
switch in a cupboard, wardrobe or refrigerator, and sensor-operated switches, etc. Switches which usually will be repeatedly operated are not included in this subclause, e.g. for sewing machines, calculating machines, soldering equipment, etc. (see 7.2.3. and
Also the disturbance caused by the operation of any switching device or control which is included in an appliance for the purpose of mains disconnection for safety only, is to be disregarded for the purpose of testing the appliance for compliance with the limits of radio
disturbance as described in this standard.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 19:32 Individual switching operations:单次开关操作
4、脱水的变速装置或电子温控器的可连续调节控制器的人工设置的变化,比如说热水器的连续温度调节旋钮,也不需要测试click。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 19:35
符合本条的开关的例子是器具(包括用脚启动)的开/关,例如电动打字机的开关、热风机和吹风机的加热和气流控制的人工开关以及碗柜、衣柜或者冰箱的间接操作开关盒感应操作开关灯。经常重复操作的开关不包括在内,如缝纫机、计算机、焊接设备的开关等。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 19:39
比如说:安规中要求电吹风出风口被堵时,出风口的材料不能起火,因为客户为了达到这个要求,常常在电吹风中加入一个自复位温控器,当出风口的温度达到设定的温度后,切断电路,停止工作,这在安规中属于非正常操作,是为了安全起见。因此,即使该产品中有温控器,则也不需要测试click项目,因为这是非正常工作状态。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 19:43
关于4.2.3.1的总体理解,其实我们应该注意到individual这个词,英文的意义是:单独的、单一的。因此我的理解是,只要这种开关操作频率不是很高,或者是“一次性的”,接通或者关断以后,需要人工再次干预的操作。当然这个要靠产品的特性决定,根据产品的使用场合、使用状态来决定,把握动作频率,我认为这是理解该条款的关键点。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 19:45 Combination of clicks in a time frame less than 600 ms
In programme controlled appliances a combination of clicks in a time frame less than 600 ms is allowed once per selected programme cycle.
For other appliances such a combination of clicks is allowed once during the minimum observation time. This is also valid for thermostatically controlled three-phase switches, causing three disturbances sequentially in each of the three phases and the neutral. The
combination of clicks is considered as one click.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 19:51
说实话,这种情况还没有见过,不知道该怎么做定论,根据我的理解,因为程序选择产生的click是允许有一个时间小于600ms的喀呖声组合。我现在对click的理解是,click自动分析仪会采集可能包含有会产生click的信号,然后根据click的定义来分解信号,来确定标准规定中的四个频点是否会在该程序选择的动作中产生click。以前的理解有误,请大家见谅。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 19:55 Instantaneous switching
Appliances which fulfil the following conditions:
– the click rate is not more than 5,
– none of the caused clicks has a duration longer than 20 ms,
– 90 % of the caused clicks have a duration less than 10 ms,
shall be deemed to comply with the limits, independent of the amplitude of the clicks (see tables A.1 and A.2). If one of these conditions is not satisfied then the limits in accordance with 4.2.2 apply.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 20:07 Instantaneous switching:瞬时开关动作
2、没有持续时间长于20ms的喀呖声(时间长于20ms的喀呖声称为long click;时间小于20ms的click称为short click)
注:在应用4.2.2中的公式测试click项目是,分为两轮测试,runA 和runB。上述的三个条件是在runA的测试状态下判定的。
此外这里解释下最小观察时间的界定;在runA中,最小观察时间要满足最先产生40个click或者120min。两者中取最早发生的情形。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 20:08 Separation of clicks less than 200 ms
For appliances which have a click rate less than 5, any two disturbances each having a maximum duration of 200 ms, shall be evaluated as two clicks even when the separation between the disturbances is less than 200 ms.
In this case, for instance observed with refrigerators, the example shown in Figure 4b, would be evaluated as two clicks and not as continuous disturbance.作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 20:10 喀呖声间隔时间小于200ms
在这种情况下,图4b所示观察到冷藏箱的骚扰,应判定为两个喀呖声,而不是连续骚扰。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 20:30
针对4.2.3.4这个条款,除了标准中介绍的冷藏箱之外,目前还不知道有那个产品有这个特性,以后见到,在回来给大家补充。理解的不深刻,抱歉。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 20:31
5 Methods of measurement of terminal disturbance voltages (148,5 kHz to 30 MHz)
This clause lays down the general requirements for the measurement of disturbance voltage produced at the terminals of apparatus.
The operating conditions are given in Clause 7 of this standard.
第五章,主要讲的传导的测量方法。作者: stone0371 时间: 2012-6-11 20:32
5.1 Measuring devices:测量设备
The measuring devices given below are to be used:
5.1.1 Measuring receivers:测量接收机
Receivers with quasi-peak detectors shall be in accordance with Clause 4 of CISPR 16-1-1;receivers with average detectors shall be in accordance with Clause 6 of CISPR 16-1-1.
NOTE Both detectors may be incorporated in a single receiver and measurements carried out either using the
quasi-peak detector or the average detector.作者: 桃花岛主 时间: 2012-6-11 22:12 回复 41#stone0371