对于家电类,参考CISPR14-2,P13 明确写了 耦合方式要求“共模”
按照 IEC 61000-4-4 3.4 中的定义:
common mode (coupling)
simultaneous coupling to all lines versus the ground reference plane
也就是说要求所有的线对参考地平面耦合,即应该是L+N+PE----- GRP, 火零线和地线同时耦合到参考地。
01-Transient immunity testing
3.3 Practical aspects of testing
The transient burst voltage is always referenced to the ground plane connection point on the test generator, whatever mode of coupling is chosen. The first version of the basic standard was not entirely clear about how the burst should be applied through the CDN (Figure 12(A)). The standard showed it being applied separately to live, neutral and earth lines, but some product standards which call up this test have referred to it as «common mode», that is on all three lines simultaneously. The second edition removes the confusion by showing the burst applied only in common mode (Figure 12(B)).
为什么还要在EUT 地线和 参考地平面 间施加 EFT ?地线不是接到参考地平面上么?
个人觉得是因为 EFT波形 频段较高,地线的阻抗不能忽略。 对比电源线surge抗扰度试验,就没有地线与参考地之间的耦合要求,因为SURGE 频段较低。
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