在Keith Armstrong的Design Techniques for EMC – Part 1,Circuit Design, and Choice of Components,1.1.1段中有提到選擇IC要注意VCC與GND的PIN要在CENTER,原文如下
Adjacent, multiple, or centre-pinned power and ground.
Adjacent ground and power pins, multiple ground and power pins, and centre-pinned power and ground all help maximise the mutual inductance between power and ground current paths, and minimise their self-inductance, reducing the current loop area of the power supply currents and helping decoupling to work more effectively. This reduces problems for EMC and ground-bounce.
乍看之下小了0.3X, 但若第二層為完整GND平面,則以IC本就不大的尺寸來看這0.3X不曉得能起什麼作用?
還是我徹底搞錯了centre-pinned 的目的?
請高手指教! |