LED 灯的额定电压是110V,是不是不用测Harmonic 或即使测试fail 也无需整改,因为法规里有这样一段话: The test voltage (U) shall be the rated voltage of the equipment. In the case of a voltagerange, the test voltage shall be 230 V or 400 V for single-phase or three-phase suppliesrespectively.
另:harmonic 的issue 如不加PFC 该如何解决?谢谢!
IEC61000-3-2 里也有这样的描述:
1 Scope: ... For systems with nominal voltages less than 220 V (line-to-neutral), the limits have not yet been considered...
6 General requirements:...The requirements and limits specified in this clause are applicable to the power input terminals of equipment intended to be connected to 220/380 V, 230/400 V and 240/415 V systems operating at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Requirements and limits for other cases are not yet considered...