Measurement of the disturbance power is made firstly on the mains lead of the main appliance using the absorbing clamp in accordance with 6.2. Any lead connecting the main appliance to an auxiliary apparatus is disconnected if this does not affect the operation of the appliance, or is isolated by means of ferrite rings (or an absorbing clamp) close to the appliance. Secondly, a similar measurement is made on each lead which is or may be connected to an auxiliary apparatus, whether or not it is necessary for the operation of the appliance; the current transformer of the clamp pointing towards the main appliance. Isolation, or disconnection of the mains lead and other leads is made in accordance with In addition, measurement is made as above but with the current transformer of the clamp pointing towards any auxiliary apparatus, unless this auxiliary apparatus is not needed for the operation of the main appliance and a separate test procedure for it is specified elsewhere (no disconnection or r.f. isolation of other leads is of course necessary in this case).
6.4 Assessment of measuring results
The measured power is derived from the maximum indicated value found at each frequency of measurement and the calibration curve of the absorbing clamp (see also the example given in Annex B of CISPR 16-1-3).