If the observed differences between the levels for the respective frequencies during the first and second measurement are 2 dB or less, the first results are retained. If these differences are greater than 2 dB, the measurements of the complete spectrum shall be repeated and the highest level of all measurements at each frequency shall be taken. In the case of average detector measurement on disturbances caused by electronic devices, such as microprocessors, isolated spectral lines may occur, constituted by the fundamental frequency and higher harmonics of the disturbance source. The minimum observation time T is obtained at both measuring frequencies (see in the following way:
For appliances which do not stop automatically, the shorter time of either:
1) the time to register 40 clicks, or, where relevant, 40 switching operations, or
For appliances which stop automatically, the duration of the minimum number of complete programmes necessary to produce 40 clicks or, where relevant, 40 switching operations. When, 120 min after the beginning of the test, 40 clicks have not been produced, the test is stopped at the end of the programme in progress.
The interval between the end of one programme and the start of the next programme shall be excluded from the minimum observation time, except for those appliances for which an immediate re-start is inhibited. For these appliances, the minimum time required to re-start the programme shall be included in the minimum observation time. The click rate N shall be determined under the operating conditions specified in 7.2 and 7.3 or, when not specified, under the most onerous conditions of typical use (maximum click rate) at 150 kHz for the frequency range 148,5 kHz to 500 kHz and at 500 kHz for the frequency range 500 kHz to 30 MHz.
The receiver attenuator is to be set such that an input signal equal in amplitude to the relevant limit L for continuous disturbance produces a mid-scale deflection on the meter.
NOTE See Clause 10 of CISPR 16-1-1 for more details.
注:见CISPR 16-1-1中第十章。
In the case of instantaneous switching (see, the pulse duration shall only be determined at 500 kHz.