For certain appliances (see Annex A) the click rate N is determined from the formula N = n2 × f /T where n2 is the number of switching operations (see 3.3) during the observation time T and f is a factor given in Annex A, Table A.2. The measurement of disturbance generated by switching operations shall be performed with the same programme as has been chosen when determining the click rate N at the following restricted number of frequencies: The appliance is assessed for compliance with the higher limit Lq in accordance with the upper quartile method, the appliance being tested for a time not less than the minimum observation time T.
If the click rate N is determined from the number of clicks, the appliance under test shall be deemed to comply with the limit if not more than a quarter of the number of clicks registered during the observation time T exceeds the click limit Lq.
If the click rate N is determined from the number of switching operations, the appliance under test shall be deemed to comply with the limit if not more than a quarter of the number of switching operations registered during the observation time T produce clicks exceeding the click limit Lq.