The toaster shall be tested applying the calculated click limit Lq and assessed using the upper quartile method given in The toaster shall be operated for 20 cycles without load at the setting specified in Item a). Each cycle shall comprise an operating period and a rest period, the latter having sufficient duration to ensure that the appliance is cooled to approximately room temperature at the beginning of the next cycle. Forced air cooling may be used. Other toasters shall be operated using the normal load. Each cycle shall consist of an operating period and a rest period, the latter having a duration of 30 s. The click rate N shall be determined at a setting at which the bread becomes golden-brown Ironing machines (ironing machines for table use, rotating ironing machines, ironing presses):the click rate N1 of the control device shall be determined with the heating surface being in the open position and the control devices at high temperature setting.
For fixing the click limit Lq the sum of the two click rates N = N1 + N2 has to be applied and the ironing machine shall be tested applying this limit and assessed using the upper quartile method given in on both the control device and the motor switch. Irons shall be operated with the soleplate cooled using air, water or oil cooling. The click rate N is defined as the product of the factor 0,66 and the number of switching operations per minute for a duty-cycle of (50 ± 10) % of the control device operated at a high temperature setting. Flexible electrical heating appliances (warming pads, electric blankets,bedwarmers, heating mattresses) shall be spread between two flexible covers (e.g. nonconducting mats), extending beyond the heating surface by at least 0,1 m. The thickness and
the heat conductivity shall be selected in such a way that the click rate N can be determined for a duty-cycle of (50 ± 10) % of the control device