Before making measurements the appliances shall reach steady-state conditions. The click rate N shall be determined for a duty-cycle of (50 ± 10) % of the control device, unless otherwise specified. If the duty-cycle of (50 ± 10) % cannot be reached, the highest possible duty-cycle shall be applied instead. Hob elements of hobs and heating elements of hotplates, controlled by thermostats or by energy regulators are operated with a duty cycle (50 ± 10) % of the control device. An aluminium pan filled with water is placed on the element. The click rate N is half of the number of switching operations per minute. If a hob or hotplate contains more than one element, the click rate shall be measured and evaluated for each individual element in turn. Cooking pans, table-type roasters, deep-fat fryers shall be operated as in normal use. Unless a minimum oil level is specified the quantity of oil above the highest point of the heating surface shall be: Feed boilers, water boilers, kettles, coffee makers, milk boilers, feeding-bottle heaters, glue pots, sterilizers, wash boilers, shall be operated half-filled with water and without lid. Immersion heaters shall be operated fully submerged. The click rate N shall be
determined with a medium setting (60 °C) of a variable control device having a range between 20 °C and 100 °C or with the fixed setting of a fixed control device. Instantaneous water heaters shall be operated in usual position of use with the water flow set at half of the maximum flow rate. The click rate N shall be determined with the highest setting of any control device fitted.